Shipping Policy offers FREE SHIPPING for orders placed within the contiguous United States that total $100 or more of qualifying items.
- Orders ship during regular business hours Monday–Friday.
- Orders may take 1-2 business days to process and ship after you have received your confirmation email. Please allow for potential extra processing time around holidays.
- Any required shipping and handling fees are non-refundable.
- We are unable to ship to Alaska or Hawaii, or ship internationally at this time.
Products that do not qualify towards Free Shipping
- #CH7 Economy Chisel
- #CH9 Bucket Chisel
- #CH11 One-Piece Chisel
- #CH12 Two-Piece Chisel
- #41350 Wide 1 Thermal
- #42350 Wide 1 XR Thermal
- #25300 Sierra
- #25250 Sierra Thermal
- #44100 Eskape 2000
- #38200 Eskape 2400
- #38400 Eskape 2600
- #38500 Eskape 2800
Products that cannot ship to California or Colorado
- #33894 Youth Keeper Jacket (2021)
- #33895 Youth Keeper Bibs (2021)
- #39446 Youth Keeper Jacket
- #39447 Youth Keeper Bibs
- #34075 Youth Buffalo Chopper Mitt